Go West! - Westward Expansion

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Go West! - Westward Expansion por Mind Map: Go West! - Westward Expansion

1. Summary of a Book

2. About missions

3. California

4. Texas

4.1. It is a short video explaining the war, and what years and the sequence of events

5. Mexican-American War

5.1. Florida

6. Summary of most topics

6.1. Recommended by Catalina Zuleta

7. New Mexico - Rancheros

7.1. Native American Point of View

7.2. New Mexico Slave Code

7.3. Genízaros, according to the traditional short definition, are Indian captives sold to Spaniards who then became household servants. Most Genízaros in New Mexico were Plains Indians captured by other Plains tribes and then sold to individual Hispanos or Pueblos.

7.4. Book which discusses Genizaro vs Ranchero

8. SantaFe Trail - Brings traders into NewMexico

8.1. History of Willam Becknall - Santa Fe Trail

8.2. History of Santa Fe Trail

9. Getting Around

9.1. Canals

9.1.1. Video Documentary

9.1.2. Primary Sources

9.1.3. History of...

9.2. Roads

9.2.1. National Road Slide show with info Online article Picture from the 1920's and today Article: How it was built and some history

10. Politics - Election of 1828

10.1. About Education article with Short Video

10.2. Newspaper ARticle with summary of...

10.3. Boundless Article - good summary

10.4. Primary Sources - short summary and links to