Steve's ETCV 530 Activities

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Steve's ETCV 530 Activities por Mind Map: Steve's ETCV 530 Activities

1. "I've been thinking.."

1.1. Monitor weekly discussion prompt

1.1.1. Contribute to the discussion

1.1.2. Review suggested readings

1.2. Prepare discussion prompt for 530 (29 Feb)

1.2.1. Research appropriate topics Use of films in the classroom.

1.3. Post discussion prompt (29 Feb)

1.3.1. Check postings (AM & PM)

1.3.2. Respond to postings / questions

1.3.3. Moderate discussion

2. "15 minutes of Fame"

2.1. Practice with presentation software

2.2. Develop presentation

2.2.1. Practice presentation

2.3. Present 15 minutes of fame (2 Mar)

2.4. Provide feedback / questions during other presentations

3. Wednesday meetings

3.1. Prepare office, note-taking material

3.2. Test internet connection

3.3. Log in, mute mic

4. Keeping Current

4.1. Feedly Reader




5. Encouraging Creativity

5.1. Read assignments / watch videos

5.2. Share thoughts on forum

5.3. Submit Creativity lesson plan

5.3.1. Create lesson plan Class on Elicitation

6. Organizing Understanding

6.1. Read assignments / review videos

6.2. Download / learn Mindmeister

6.3. Create mind map

6.4. Share mind map

7. Final Reflection

7.1. Review notes

7.2. Review lessons

7.3. Review class contributions to forums

7.4. Compose / submit reflection

8. Expressing Information

8.1. Read Assignment

8.2. Create Infographic

8.3. Submit Infographic

8.3.1. "Take the Leap"

8.4. Compose reflection

9. Protecting your Digital Tattoo

9.1. Watch videos / read assignments

9.2. Conduct online research

9.2.1. Find three resources

9.3. Review resources in forum

9.4. Submit digital policy to dropbox

10. Digital Toolbox

10.1. Research / Identify Digital tools

10.1.1. Quizlet

10.1.2. Khan Academy

10.1.3. Hooked on Phonics

10.1.4. Microsoft Excel

10.2. Describe each tool

10.3. Submit document to drop box

11. Project -based Learning

11.1. Read Assignments

11.2. access BIE website

11.3. Develop PBL

11.3.1. Use of an Interpreter

11.4. Use at least one digital tool.

11.5. Submit Reflection to drop box

12. Creativity Revisited

12.1. Revise or create lesson plan

12.1.1. Use of HoloLens to enhance instruction on debriefing

12.2. Submit to drop box