Nicole Hilburn: Multiplying Fractions

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Nicole Hilburn: Multiplying Fractions por Mind Map: Nicole Hilburn: Multiplying Fractions

1. Multiple means of expression:

1.1. students will be able to use an online site where they can build fractions and multiply them using everyday objects.

1.1.1. executive function

1.2. students can represent their problems on the Promethean board by working out their problems

1.2.1. physical action

2. multiple means of representation:

2.1. students can create a online app where they build problems that are about multiplying fractions and the rest of the class must complete them

2.1.1. language expression and symbols

2.2. students will be able to show what they know about multiplying fractions by reading an article on the subject and explain how it is important in everyday life

2.2.1. perception

3. multiple means of engagement

3.1. students will open the lesson with going on a mathquest online

3.1.1. self regulation

3.2. students will read an Ebook that relates multiplying fractions to everyday life

3.2.1. recruiting interest