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The Sniper por Mind Map: The Sniper

1. Republican Sniper

2. Brother of Republican Sniper is the enemy sniper

3. Lights a Cigarette after eating sandwich

4. Sniper Shooting at him was his brother

5. Inform Lady

6. The armored truck starts shooting at the sniper

7. Position given out to enemy sniper

8. Lady Informed enemy armored truck of the snipers position

9. Republican Sniper kills the machine gunner in the armored truck

10. The truck drives away because machine gunner was killed

11. Lady gets killed

12. Sniper Shoots at Repulican sniper

13. Enemy Sniper shoots the Republican Sniper

14. Republican Sniper gets shot in the art

15. The Republican Sniper throws his stuff over the edge so he pretends he died

16. The republican sniper kills the enemy sniper