What is a relationship?

For Year 8FI

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What is a relationship? por Mind Map: What is a relationship?

1. My sister

1.1. we share videos from our social media

1.1.1. we talk about our problem together we go shoping together

1.2. she breaks my stuff

1.3. she hits me

1.3.1. we fight we kill

1.4. she breaks my homework

1.5. she copes my homework

1.6. play basketball

1.7. facetime with friend

1.8. play sport

2. Chat with the friends by using Skype

3. Macbook

3.1. play with you

4. Brother

4.1. eat with him

4.2. talk about games

5. Mother

5.1. cooking

5.2. shopping

5.3. revising

5.4. shouting

5.5. play with me

5.6. hiting me

5.7. eat all of ma stuff

5.8. Taking care me

5.9. become a volcano when angry

5.9.1. and explosive mode is on and I'm obviously will become a dead man

5.10. angry at me because of the yellow card

6. my cat

7. Friends

7.1. Best friend

7.1.1. always share your feelings

7.1.2. say secret

7.2. Casual friend (acquaintance)

7.2.1. he will play with me

7.3. i have no friends

7.3.1. cuz I am lonely

7.4. new friends

7.4.1. small talks

7.4.2. akward things

8. my dog

9. Always laugh together

9.1. My classmates - Alexis and Jade not

10. Dad

10.1. Buying things with my daddy

10.1.1. When I was small , he will give me a candy He will cooking for me Always pay money

10.2. play video game(GTA 5) with my dad

10.2.1. Always buy present for me buy Video game for me

10.3. i talk to him every day

10.3.1. teach me how to do homework he always use whatsapp to send me a message he ask me to feed my dog

10.4. pay everything

10.4.1. buy stuff for me like to bring me to work

10.5. give 1000 for red pocket

11. play together

12. Play With my FAT CAT

12.1. Play with it

12.2. Feed it

12.3. Make me happy

13. always give us homework

13.1. Teachers

14. Homeroom teacher

14.1. Nothing

14.1.1. Mr Alain says

15. always love me and my sister

15.1. My mum and dad

15.2. My grand parents

16. Friends. U tell them ur problem. Not the secret ones.

16.1. why

17. It is when you share strong bonds with someone...

18. Something that you have with a special person or someone that you know

18.1. Mu

19. Suppose love,friendship, special bonding stuff like that.

19.1. Friend and Best Friends

19.2. my cat

19.2.1. It woke me up at morning slap me in the face thats how my cat wake me up