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Hercule Poirot por Mind Map: Hercule Poirot

1. Mary Debenham

1.1. romantic interest with Colonel Arbuthnot??

1.2. I suspected her towards the end of the book

2. Samuel Edward Ratchett

2.1. one who was murdered

2.2. disliked my many

2.3. took sleeping draught

2.4. short tempered

2.5. "generous employer" according to Masterman

3. Colonel Arbuthnot

3.1. indian

3.2. romantic interest with Miss Debenham

4. Ratchett Murder Case Clues

4.1. stabbed

4.2. window was open

4.3. door was locked from the inside

4.4. could be multiple people

4.5. woman?

5. Pierre Michel

5.1. Poirot believes to be innocent

5.2. bell/door guy

5.3. first to be interviewed

5.4. employed for over 15 years

5.5. was in ratchetts compartment at 20 to 1

5.6. went te check on Mrs.Hubbard

6. Doctor Constantine

6.1. examines victim

6.2. is helping Poirot solve the case

7. MacQueen

7.1. doesn't smoke a pipe

7.2. isn't really a suspect

7.3. Ratchetts assistent

7.4. shocked ratchett was casetti

7.5. father took casettis case

7.6. American

8. Edward Henry Masterman

8.1. Ratchetts Valet

8.2. 39 years old

8.3. calm

8.4. doesn't smoke a pipe

8.5. went to sleep at 4

8.6. he last saw Ratchett at 9 o'clock

8.7. told to fold and hang up Ratchetts clothes and put his dental plate in water

8.8. says Ratchett seemed upset

8.9. compartment 4

8.10. returned to compartment at 10:30 to read

8.11. not to bed till 4

8.11.1. toothache

9. Mrs.Hubbard(Caroline)

9.1. suspicions about Ratchett

9.2. talks about her daughter a lot

9.3. CMH on her handkerchief

9.4. found a button in her compartment

9.4.1. by the window

9.5. man in her compartment

10. Swedish Lady(Greta Ohlsson)

10.1. age 49

10.2. calm

10.3. never been in america

10.4. never heard the Casetti story

10.5. opened Ratchetts door on accident

10.5.1. apologized and left

10.5.2. door was bolted according to Greta

11. Russian Princess

11.1. connected personally with the Armstrong family

11.2. small, toad-like face

11.3. ugly

11.4. pretty eyes, like dark jewels

11.5. deep voice