Power+: Tech Integration

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Power+: Tech Integration por Mind Map: Power+: Tech Integration

1. Integration of Technology

1.1. Organize Learning

1.1.1. Powerpoint presentation

1.1.2. Online report card, student interaction

1.2. Assessment

1.2.1. Spread sheets

1.3. Communication

1.3.1. Email?

1.3.2. School website for contacting teacher

1.4. Differentiation

1.4.1. iPad schoolwork

1.4.2. Youtube novel reads

1.5. Presentation

1.5.1. Smartboard

1.5.2. Powerpoint

1.6. Demonstrate Learning

1.6.1. Mindmeister

1.6.2. Apps for elementary schoolwork presentation

2. I Like..

2.1. That tech can help a student build confidence in the work they do.

2.2. That tech can allow me to bring newer, more relevant information to students in new, magical ways.

2.3. Not needing to print so much paper.

3. I Don't Like..

3.1. Lack of resources or continuity for tech integration

4. Barriers to Tech Integration

4.1. Lack of wifi

4.2. Lack of savvy tech teachers

4.3. Lack of funding for tech resources

4.4. Overdependence on tech to work/entertain

4.5. BYOD: not everyone has one.

5. Tech Tools

5.1. Smartboard

5.2. Powerpoint

5.3. iPads

5.4. Gamification

6. Research

6.1. Student engagement

6.2. Googling is at our fingertips, why go to school?

6.3. People spend a lot of time on screens

6.4. Games assess while you learn