Natives, Africans, & Mexicans in the U.S from 1776 to 1861

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Natives, Africans, & Mexicans in the U.S from 1776 to 1861 por Mind Map: Natives, Africans, & Mexicans in the U.S from 1776 to 1861

1. Jacksons Indian Removal

1.1. Jacksons Indian Removal: Occured in 1830 and let the President grant unsettled lands west of Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands.

1.2. "Right of Occupancy": Occured in 1823 when the Supreme Court stated that Indians could occupy land in the U.S but could not have any ownership

1.3. In 1827 the Cherokee adopted a written constitution declaring themselves to be a sovereign nation.

1.4. Jackson held a negative view about Indians and often described them as "children needing guidance".

1.5. The Treaty of New Echota: this treaty was created by the Cherokee becuase of all the removals of Indians that were unjustified and were being treated poorly.

2. Between 1776 to 1887

2.1. The U.S took over about 1.5 billion acres from indigenous territory

2.2. This was possible through treaties and executive orders

3. Treaty was ratified in 1836

4. Manifest Destiny

4.1. Manifest Destiny: Phrase used by leaders and politicians to explain continental expansion. Gave Americans a sense of "mssion".

4.2. In order to create a new government for Spain, they overthrew the monarchy in 1824, and a constitutional republic was made

4.3. Political factions included Capitalist, Federalist, Monarchist and Republican parties

4.4. As part of the governments agenda, Colonization had to take place

5. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

5.1. In 1836, Texans declared that their territory would be independent.

5.2. By May 1846, U.S forces provided for declaring a constitutional war

5.3. The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo occured in 1848 which entitled peace between the U.S and Mexican Republic

6. Something I found interesting....

6.1. The article by Antonia Castañeda mentions the separation of families. "an artificial political border was created and suddenly part of the family was on one side, and the other part of the family was on another side.".

6.2. Family members became almost like enemies because where they lived now had opposing views.

6.3. The African-American Experience: Black slaves were brought from Africa to the U.S by the mid 1500's but by the 1800's, both whites and free blacks called for an abolition of slavery.