My Languages

A list of all the languages I intend to learn and the number of speakers they have.

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My Languages por Mind Map: My Languages

1. Afro-Asiatic

1.1. Arabic

1.1.1. 450.000.000

1.2. Amharic

1.2.1. 78.000.000

1.3. Hebrew

1.3.1. 10.000.000

2. Altaic

2.1. Turkish

2.1.1. 85.000.000

3. Sino-Tibetan

3.1. Chinese

3.1.1. 1,500,000

4. Austronesian

4.1. Indonesian

4.1.1. 225.000.000

5. people

6. Niger-Congo

6.1. Swahili

6.1.1. 100,000

7. Indo-European

7.1. Hindi

7.1.1. 800.000.000

7.2. English

7.2.1. 500.000.000

7.3. Spanish

7.3.1. 450.000.000

7.4. French

7.4.1. 300.000.000

7.5. Russian

7.5.1. 275.000.000

7.6. Portuguese

7.6.1. 240.000.000

7.7. German

7.7.1. 120.000.000

7.8. Italian

7.8.1. 60.000.000

7.9. Dutch

7.9.1. 27.000.000

7.10. Greek

7.10.1. 13.000.000

7.11. Catalan

7.11.1. 11.000.000

7.12. Swedish

7.12.1. 10.000.000

7.13. Latin

7.13.1. -

7.14. Esperanto

7.14.1. 2.000.000