Freud (1909) Analysis of a Phobia in a Six-Year-Old boy

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Freud (1909) Analysis of a Phobia in a Six-Year-Old boy por Mind Map: Freud (1909) Analysis of a Phobia in a Six-Year-Old boy

1. Case History and Case analysis

1.1. Age 3

1.1.1. Interpreted as

1.2. Father working in Vienna again

1.2.1. Interpreted as

1.3. Horse phobia

1.3.1. Interpreted as

1.4. Giraffe dream

1.4.1. Interpreted as

1.5. Castration complex

1.5.1. Caused by

1.6. Bath phobia

1.6.1. Interpreted as

1.7. More anxieties

1.7.1. Interpreted as

1.8. Obsession with 'lumf'

1.8.1. Interpreted as

1.9. The plumber

1.9.1. Interpreted as

1.10. Play with dolls

1.10.1. Interpreted as

2. Conclusions

3. Evaluation

3.1. Generalisability

3.2. Generalisability

3.3. Validity

3.4. Validity

3.5. Validity

3.6. Reliability

3.7. Reliability

3.8. Usefulness

3.9. Validity

4. Background

4.1. Model of mind

4.2. Structure of personality

4.3. Psychosexual stages

4.4. Defence mechanisms

4.5. Libido

5. Aims

5.1. 1.

5.2. 2.

5.3. 3.

6. Method

6.1. Case study

6.2. Participant

6.3. Most of the information gathered by