Money Always Talks

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Money Always Talks por Mind Map: Money Always Talks

1. Occassion

1.1. Answer

1.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

1.3. Explanation

2. Action

2.1. Answer

2.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

2.3. Explanation

3. Points

3.1. Answer

3.2. Quote(s) from the article that support your claim

3.3. Explanation

4. Speaker

4.1. Answer

4.1.1. Daphne Merkin is the narrator of this article.

4.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

4.2.1. At the tail end of the summer, I happened to stay with my teenage daughter at the rented house of friends in Southampton.

4.3. Explanation

4.3.1. The speaker uses first person pronouns, otherwise known as first person.

5. Tone

5.1. Answer

5.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

5.3. Explanation