Распределение ответственности в отделе BackEnd

Provides an overview of the sales process, and which actions need to take place

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Распределение ответственности в отделе BackEnd por Mind Map: Распределение ответственности в отделе BackEnd

1. Initial Contact

1.1. Dr. John Demo

1.1.1. E-Mail

1.1.2. Phone

1.2. Dr. Jane Demo

1.2.1. E-Mail

1.2.2. Phone

2. Proposal

2.1. Offer

2.2. Budget

2.3. Timeframe

3. Deal

3.1. Price

3.2. Conditions

3.2.1. Condition 1

3.2.2. Condition 2

4. Negotiation

4.1. Agreement

4.2. Price

4.3. Conditions


5.1. BANT Customer 1

5.1.1. Budget

5.1.2. Authority

5.1.3. Need

5.1.4. Timeframe

5.2. BANT Customer 2

5.2.1. Budget

5.2.2. Authority

5.2.3. Need

5.2.4. Timeframe

6. Investigation

6.1. Needs