Tara Bishop's Tools for Success with Bloom's Taxonomy

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Tara Bishop's Tools for Success with Bloom's Taxonomy por Mind Map: Tara Bishop's             Tools for Success with  Bloom's Taxonomy

1. Remembering/ Understanding

1.1. Docs To Go

1.2. Twitter

1.3. Facebook

1.4. Iannotate

1.5. Kidblog

1.6. Ithoughts

1.7. Remind

1.8. Google

1.9. Weebly

1.10. Youtube

2. Creating

2.1. Prezi

2.1.1. 1st Sitting

2.1.2. 2nd Sitting

2.1.3. 3rd Sitting

2.2. Nearpod

2.3. IMovie

2.3.1. Essay exam

2.3.2. Oral exam

2.3.3. Multiple choice

2.4. Voice Thread

2.5. MyStoryBookCreator

3. Applying

3.1. Evernote

3.2. QuickVoice

3.2.1. Name

3.2.2. Office hours

3.2.3. Contact

3.3. PerfectlyClear

3.4. Symbaloo

3.5. MindMeister

4. Evaluating

4.1. Edmodo

4.2. AIM

4.3. Web to PDF

4.4. Skype

4.5. StudentPad

5. Analyzing

5.1. SurveyMonkey

5.2. Comic Life 3

5.3. Numbers

5.4. MindMash