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1. Roberta Williams

1.1. Born

1.1.1. February 16, 1953

1.1.2. United Estates of America

1.2. Carrier

1.2.1. Is considered the creator of the graphic adeventure video games

1.2.2. She start her's carrier when she play a game called "colossal caves"

1.2.3. She crate the first video game whit a women as main character

2. Company

2.1. Creation

2.1.1. 1979

2.1.2. United Estates of America

2.1.3. First Name: On-Line System

2.2. History

2.2.1. Initially was start like a company of computer games (Apple II)

2.2.2. The company start on Simi Valley, California and moved to Oakhurst, California on 1984

2.2.3. InfoWorld estimated that Sierra was the world's XXII largest microcomputer-software company

2.2.4. They have 12.5 million dolars in 1983 sales (His golden age)

3. Ken Williams

3.1. Born

3.1.1. October 30, 1954

3.1.2. United Estates of America

3.2. Carrier

3.2.1. He write some articles about "Hacking" or "Game Development"

3.2.2. He talk whit Microsoft and Disney te create video games

3.2.3. Then he start to managea webpage called talkspot

4. Games

4.1. Spyro (My Favorite Video game)

4.1.1. 1998

4.1.2. First Game: Spyro the Dragon

4.2. Crash

4.2.1. 1996

4.2.2. First Game: Crash Bandicoot

4.3. King Quest

4.3.1. 1984

4.3.2. First Game: King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown

4.4. Half-Life

4.4.1. 1998

4.4.2. First Game: Half-Life

4.5. Mystery House

4.5.1. 1980

4.5.2. First Game: Mystery House