¿Tú, usted, vosotros/as, o ustedes?

Students will learn about the different forms of 'you' in Spanish. (This also includes a brief introduction to the 'vos' form.)

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¿Tú, usted, vosotros/as, o ustedes? por Mind Map: ¿Tú, usted, vosotros/as, o  ustedes?

1. ¿A quién hablas?

1.1. Your friend

1.1.1. TÚ

1.2. Your teacher

1.2.1. USTED

1.3. Someone younger

1.3.1. TÚ

1.4. Someone older

1.4.1. USTED

1.5. Someone you are showing respect towards

1.5.1. USTED

1.6. Your sibling

1.6.1. TÚ

1.7. Your mother / father

1.7.1. USTED

1.8. ¿Estás perdido? Check out this video here to clarify when to use TÚ or USTED.

2. ¿y TÚ? ¿y USTED?

2.1. TÚ is the informal 'you' in Spanish.

2.1.1. In the present tense for -AR verbs, the TÚ form ends in '-as'. In the present tense for -ER and -IR verbs, the TÚ form ends in '-es'.

2.2. USTED is the formal 'you' in Spanish. USTED can be abbreviated as 'ud.'

2.2.1. In the present tense for -AR verbs, the UD. form ends in '-a'. In the present tense for -ER and -IR verbs, the UD. form ends in '-e'.

3. ¿ENTIENDES TODO? Check out this site to practice what you've just learned. Click the arrow to proceed to a practice page.

4. ¿Qué es la diferencia entre USTEDES y VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS?

4.1. Both USTEDES and VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS mean 'you all' (the plural form of 'you').

4.1.1. In the present tense for -AR verbs, the TÚ form ends in '-as'. In the present tense for -ER and -IR verbs, the TÚ form ends in '-es'.

4.2. USTEDES is the plural form of USTED. USTEDES is formal.

4.2.1. In the present tense for -AR verbs, the UDS. form ends in '-an'. In the present tense for -ER and -IR verbs, the UDS. form ends in '-en'.

4.3. VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS is the plural form of TÚ (in Spain). VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS is informal.

4.3.1. In the present tense for -AR verbs, the VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS form ends in '-áis'. In the present tense for -ER verbs, the VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS form ends in '-éis'. In the present tense for -IR verbs, the VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS form ends in '-ís'.

4.3.2. ¡OJO! In Latin America, however, VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS is not used. Instead, they speak with USTEDES. One can then say that, in Latin America, USTEDES is both informal and formal.

4.4. How the do I even use VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS and USTEDES?

5. ... ¿y qué de VOS en la Argentina?

5.1. In Argentina, they use VOS instead of the TÚ form. DO NOT GET THIS CONFUSED WITH VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS.

5.2. Click on the arrow to discover how to form the VOS form of verbs.

6. Check out these conjugations! Note which ones are for TÚ, USTED, VOSOTROS/VOSOTRAS, and USTEDES.