Frankenstein Literary Analysis

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Frankenstein Literary Analysis por Mind Map: Frankenstein Literary Analysis

1. Introduction

1.1. Attention Grabber

1.1.1. Words make up everything and it is up to us to give meaning to those words . In his analysis “What is a monster” Professor Peter Brooks decomposes Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein to fit a meaning into the neglected text which is looked over due to its complexity.

1.2. In the beginning paragraph the main focus is how the decided diction used to describe how the monster see itself and how the monster actually feels.

1.3. The final paragraph centers around the idea that the Monster want for language has a deeper meaning that what is told.

1.4. The monster's ultimate goal is to use language to express his desire to be loved and hopes to become a part of the signifying chain which is represented through language.

2. Conclusion

2.1. Frankenstein's monster main objective is to change and convey himself through the use of language.

2.2. Through the use of Imaginary vs Symbolic order, Brooks is able to demonstrate how both the same phrase can be seen differently. Further more his Narrative contract coneys how the perspective change within the novel impacts the reader. Finally in his analysis of Frankenstein, Brooks uses the significance of chain language to

2.3. Furthermore through the use of Language Peter Brooks is able to break down and recreate the meaning behind complex phrases in order to uncover the true meaning of Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein.

3. Narrative Contract

3.1. Paragraph #1 main idea: "a tale within a tale within a tale"

3.1.1. "narrative structure involves framed or imbedded tales" This basically means the story is kind of like inception, in which there is a tale with in a tale with in a tale. "in the outer frame, explorer Robert Walton writes to his sister Mrs Saville, and tells of meeting Frankenstein in the Arctic; in the next frame, Frankenstein recounts his life story to Walton" The first tale starts off with Walton telling his sister a story about meeting Frankenstein, while the second tale Frankenstein tells the story about his creature and its coming to life. on the outer frame the explorer Robert Walton is writing to his sister about meeting Frankenstein.

3.1.2. "in the innermost tale, the monster at a crucial moment tells his tale to Frankenstein. When the monster has finished, Frankenstein resumes speaking in his own right; when he has done, Walton resumes.1 The nested narrative structure calls attention to the presence of a listener for each speaker -- of a narrated for each narrator -- and to the interlocutionary relations thus established. " The creature then tells his story to Frankenstein and after that the relation of the tales continues to develop and expand.

3.2. Paragraph #2 Main Idea: The Monster is denied relationships due to his appearance and lack of a mother figure

3.2.1. "To this the Monster, in a touching gesture, responds by placing his huge hands over Frankenstein's eyes: "Thus I relieve thee, my creator . . . thus I take from thee a sight which you abhor. Still thou canst listen to me, and grant me thy compassion." Frankenstein's creature asks for his compassion and refers to him as his creator/ mother figure.

3.2.2. "it is important to register the simple fact of Shelley's decision to make {202} the Monster the most eloquent creature in the novel. This hideous and deformed creature, far from expressing himself in grunts and gestures, speaks and reasons with the highest elegance, logic, and persuasiveness. As a verbal creation, he is the very opposite of the monstrous: he is a sympathetic and persuasive participant in Western culture. All of the Monster's interlocutors -- including, finally, the reader -- must come to terms with this contradiction between the verbal and the visual." Brooks brings to light Shelby's depiction of the creature and how although he may be hideous and inflict fear, he is intellectual and eloquent.

3.3. Paragraph #3

3.3.1. Evidence and support

3.3.2. Evidence and support

3.3.3. Evidence and support

4. Signifying Chain of Language

4.1. Paragraph #1

4.1.1. Evidence and support

4.1.2. Evidence and support

4.1.3. Evidence and support

4.2. Paragraph #2

4.2.1. Evidence and support

4.2.2. Evidence and support

4.2.3. Evidence and support

4.3. Paragraph #3

4.3.1. Evidence and support

4.3.2. Evidence and support

4.3.3. Evidence and support

5. Imaginary vs. Symbolic Order

5.1. Paragraph #1 main idea: the true meaning

5.1.1. “‘Wandering spirits, if indeed ye wander, and do not rest in your narrow beds, allow me this faint happiness, or take me, as your companion, away from the joys of life.’ At this point, the vision of sublimity is both fulfilled and undone by the sight of a superhuman shape that comes bounding toward Frankenstein over the ice.” In this sentences Brooks demonstrates how Victor’s plea for relief from his creation is answered by the creation itself. The main idea is that Victor is coming face-to-face with his creation to deal with the problem that is chasing him, however Brooks interprets this as the monster and creator coexisting equally for a short instant in time.

5.1.2. Secondly Brooks analysis the effects of Frankenstein and his monster’s confrontation. “To this the Monster, in a touching gesture, responds by placing his huge hands over Frankenstein's eyes: ‘Thus I relieve thee, my creator . . . thus I take from thee a sight which you abhor. Still thou canst listen to me, and grant me thy compassion.”. At first sight this passes as the Monster trying to get revenge for the cruelties that his creator left him with. However at a more analytical point Brooks describes how it is actually about the Monster only wanting love and acceptance from Victor.

5.1.3. Finally one of Brooks core point in this subject is how poetic and eloquent the Monster’s diction was. “‘Remember that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel’”. In this sentence the Monster compares itself to Adam the first of its kind but then settles for a fallen angel. To further analysis, the Monster could be describing itself as Adam a new creation burdened with unintentional sin but instead changes that idea to a fallen angel an angel at the beginning in his father's eyes but because he wanted to be more his father disapproved and condemned it.

5.2. Paragraph #2

5.2.1. Thus proves that victor frankenstein , in a

5.2.2. Evidence and support

5.2.3. Evidence and support

5.3. Paragraph #3

5.3.1. Evidence and support

5.3.2. Evidence and support

5.3.3. Evidence and support

6. Paragraph 2 consists of analysing the form in which the story is told and trying to eloquently uncover what the writer truly wants.

7. "Frankenstein's immediate reaction to the appearance of the Monster is to tell it to go away. When the Monster persists in his claim that he has the right to a hearing from his creator, Frankenstein curses the day of the Monster's creation," Frankenstein neglects his creature and makes him feel unloved because he is ugly but at the same time eloquent.