The Weaknesses and Solutions to a Flawed Education System

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The Weaknesses and Solutions to a Flawed Education System por Mind Map: The Weaknesses and Solutions to a Flawed Education System

1. Our education system is predicated on the idea of achievement.

1.1. Learning is the sole purpose of education

1.2. Learning is supposed to very enjoyable. It feeds our curiosity.

1.3. Our education system makes sutdents emphasize marks instead of actual learning.

2. Students by Tom Wayman

2.1. The Vaccination Theory of Education  he remembered: once you have had a subject  you are immune and never have to consider it again

2.2. The Dipstick Theory of Education:  as with a car engine, where as long as the oil level  is above the add line  there is no need to put in more oil, so if you receive a pass or higher why put any more into learning?

2.3. The Easy Listening Theory of Learning: spending her hours in class  with her tape recorder earphones on, silently enjoying a pleasanter world. "Don't worry, I can hear you,"  she reassured Wayman  when after some days he was move to inquire.

3. Schools aren't focusing on the real purpose of education!

3.1. Education should teach how to sustain relationships

3.2. Education should teach money management

3.3. Education should teach students self-awareness

4. The education system heavily blocks creativity in a variety of hidden ways.

4.1. Creativity is as important as literacy

4.2. Schools always tells us to draw in the lines. Try not to cause too much trouble.

4.3. Creativity is found in experimentation, but this could lead to failure. Mistakes are seen as very negative things and students will avoid experimenting as a result.