How we used the uses and gratifications theory in our product

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How we used the uses and gratifications theory in our product por Mind Map: How we used the uses and gratifications theory in our product

1. Personal Identity

1.1. The audience's personal identity was gratified, mainly through the use of familiar & relatable settings, props and actions.

1.2. For instance, the characterisation of Ella as a conventional teenager in typical clothing & active on social media is what the audience would expect & so they can relate to the characters.

1.3. A large section of the audience can also relate to familiar accents and the suburban setting of the film.

2. Social interaction

2.1. The use of Barthes' enigma theory, leaving unanswered questions throughout the sequence (e.g packing her bag: what is she going to do?) - as well as stand-out moments of suspense and action provide the audience with ample points to share and discuss the film with others.

3. Information

3.1. The film warned of the possible dangers of using social media, and educated viewers about online safety.

3.2. It informs viewers to be aware of their privacy and how easily they can be known & tracked.

4. Entertainment & escapism

4.1. The aggression and meticulous extent to which Grace stalks Ella (moodboard, hurriedly packing equipment) creates tension and sustains the interest of the viewer.

4.2. The soundtrack not only provides entertainment on its own, but also adds suspense and excitement to the storyline. The pulsing beat & dark tones are conventional & what the audience would expect from watching a thriller.

4.3. Music-motivated cuts & jumps kept the pace of the sequence sharp to keep the audience watching.

4.4. The use of low-angle shots and eyeline matches puts the viewer in the midst of the action and immerses them in the story.