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Mind Map por Mind Map: Mind Map

1. regiment- a permanent unit of an army typically commanded by a colones and divided into several companies

2. incinerator- an apparatus for burning waste material until it is reduced to ash

3. capillaries- the fine branching blood vessels that form a network

4. oblivious- not aware

5. sublime- of such excellence or beauty to inspire great admiration

6. Questions-

6.1. 1- The stove cooks on its own, the bathtubs fill their own water, and dishes clean themselves

6.2. 2- The man, the woman, the children, and the ball

6.3. 3-They died in a nuclear explosion

6.4. 4- The nuclear disaster that had been happening

6.5. 5- Because no one has been taking care of him because they died

6.6. 6- the mice attach/ clean it up

6.7. 7- the grown ups play cards and hang out

6.8. 8- they play in the nursery

6.9. 9-the mcClellah

6.10. 10- filled up the bath tub

7. psychopathic- suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent behavior

8. Plot summary

8.1. On this house, all of the appliances keep going everyday even though there are no people there. There is no one there to feed the dog, therefore he starves and dies. With the house being the last one standing after the explosion and no man to help hold it up, nature takes over. A tree falls on the house, causing a fire. Nature will always take its course.

9. Quote #4- "And the voices wailed Fire, fire ,run, run, like a tragic nursery rhyme, a dozen voices, high, low, like children dying in a forest, alone, alone." This means everyone was scurrying out of the house as fast as they could until the voices could no longer be heard.

10. silhouette- the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background

11. paranoia- a mental condition consisting of delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance