Plan your life and the next important steps and goals to proceed with a happy life

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*MY LIFE PLAN * por Mind Map: *MY LIFE PLAN *

1. Treball

1.1. Vetarinari

1.2. Actor

1.3. Director de pelicules

2. Familia

2.1. 2 fills bessons

2.2. Família divertida


3. Salud

3.1. Sport

3.2. Ser persona sana

3.3. Ser fort

4. Money

4.1. Ric

4.2. Millonari

4.3. MultiMillonari

5. Hobbies

5.1. Waterpolo

5.2. Teatre

5.3. Informatica

6. Friends

6.1. Annual ski trip with Ken & Anne

6.2. Idea

6.3. Idea