Giant Panda Bears

Panda Bear Mind map.

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Giant Panda Bears por Mind Map: Giant Panda Bears

1. Characteristics

1.1. In the wild there are all sorts of pandas with different colours.

1.1.1. red panda

1.2. Giant Pandas have a very short tail it is usually black too.

1.3. They have very thick fur.

1.4. The giant panda weighs 70 - 125 kg

1.5. Males weigh 115kg.

1.6. Extra thumb inside of their paw.

1.7. Females weigh 100kg.

1.8. Their basic colours are white with black ears,legs, eyes, arms, chest and shoulders.

2. Threats

2.1. Leopards

2.2. Jackals

2.3. The biggest threat to pandas is in the wild its not always humans.

2.4. Destruction of the panda's natural habitat.

2.5. Tigers

3. Action Plan

3.1. Plant trees or plants

3.1.1. Trees provide oxygen and they are someone's habitat. Help the earth

3.2. Follow the 3 r's Reduce, Reuse, And Recycle.

3.2.1. Recycle

3.3. Save paper

3.3.1. Saves Trees and plants and provides more food and shelter. Use technology and not paper (just like this project).

3.4. planting seeds

3.4.1. More food for living things.

3.5. Don't purchase or eat any kind of wild meat.

3.5.1. Because each time you do a creature dies.

3.6. Make donations to pandas or a wildlife foundation.

4. How are Giant pandas endangered?

4.1. Fuel and wood used for cooking and heating

4.2. Bamboo harvesting

4.3. Road construction and mining

4.4. agriculture

4.5. Lumber/timber

4.5.1. This is Lumber

5. Breeding

5.1. Giant Panda Bears live alone except for when the are breeding.

5.2. Mating season is from March to May

5.3. Pandas breed once a year.

5.4. A Mother can only keep its cub for 6 months.

5.5. Giant Female pandas give birth after 90-160 days after mating.

6. Status

6.1. In 1960 - 1990 the pandas were rare.

6.2. Durring 1990 - 1994 pandas were starting to get endangered.

6.3. from 1995 and now the pandas are still endangered.

7. Biome

7.1. They live in bamboo forests.

7.2. coniferous forest.

8. Habitat

8.1. Pandas live in Bamboo forests on upper mountain slopes of southern and western China.

8.1.1. Mountains

8.2. Pandas shelter in hollow trees

8.3. Rocky areas and caves

9. Behavior

9.1. Pandas spend most of their time by themselves.

9.1.1. They even avoid making contacts with other bears.

9.2. Giant Pandas spend 10 - 12 hours a day feeding their cubs.

9.3. They do not hibernate

9.4. Giant Pandas can climb trees

10. Feeding

10.1. Giant Panda Bears eat 99% of plants

10.1.1. Pandas eating plants

10.2. Their diet is Bamboo leaves,stems and shoots.

10.3. They are omnivores

10.4. Giant Pandas must eat about 12-38kg Everyday to get their energy.

11. Life Span

11.1. A newborn panda cub weighs 90-130grams.

11.1.1. Cubs

11.2. Giant Pandas depend on their mothers or the first few months until they are fully weaned.

11.3. Chinese scientists say that in the zoo pandas have been living for 35 years.

11.4. Scientists are not sure how long pandas live.

12. Range of a Giant panda bear

12.1. They live in Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces which are inside of China.

13. Interesting Facts

13.1. Their Latin name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca.

13.2. Pandas are the second most threatened species in the world.

13.3. Giant Pandas make growling or honking noises.

13.4. Kingdom- Animalia

13.5. The Chinese call the giant panda large bear cat

13.6. Giant pandas are the size of an American black bear

13.7. Males can weigh 250 pounds more in the wild.

13.8. Females usually weigh 220 pounds less in the wild.

13.9. The name Ailuropoda melanoleuca means black and white bear.

14. Reasorces




