Technologies and related culture ideas

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Technologies and related culture ideas por Mind Map: Technologies and related culture ideas

1. Weapons

2. fads

3. Industry

4. Long distance communication timeline (Post telegraph)

5. Exhibit is made for first electric telephone (1876)

6. Thomas Edison invents the phonograph (1877)

7. Direct dial telephone (1889)

8. First light weight computer by comparison (1992)

9. Electrical energy

10. Communication

11. Present day

12. First radio signals are transmited (1901)

13. First radio station starts broadcast (1920)

14. First television signal (1925)

15. First commercial television broadcast (1947)

16. First satellite is launched (1963)

17. First crude television is available (late 1920s.

18. First Email sent (1965)

19. First hoasts of ARPANET are connected (1969)

20. First computers are commercially available (1976)

21. The worlds first automatic mobile phone (1981)

22. The Microsoft word program is launched (1983)

23. Fiber optic cable is first used to transport information (1991)

24. First SMS (text message is seant (1992)

25. Internet radio broadcast (1994)

26. First light weight mobile phone by comparison (1996)

27. Napster in launched (1999)

28. Myspace is launched (2003)

29. Facebook is launched (2004)

30. YouTube is launched (2005)

31. Face time is launched with the iPhone 4