Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
My personal PLE por Mind Map: My personal PLE

1. Share

1.1. twitter

1.2. tumblr

1.3. whatsapp

1.4. direct talking with family and friends

1.5. snapchat


1.7. instagram

1.8. University

1.8.1. wordpress (organization and resources)

1.8.2. Weebly (ICT)

2. Reflect

2.1. my head

2.2. notebook

2.3. sketch book

2.4. Web 2.0

2.4.1. snapchat


2.4.3. tumblr

2.4.4. whatsapp

3. Read

3.1. Video

3.1.1. snapchat

3.1.2. youtube

3.1.3. TV

3.1.4. Skype

3.1.5. facebook

3.1.6. twitter

3.2. Images

3.2.1. pinterest

3.2.2. Instagram

3.2.3. tumblr

3.2.4. google

3.2.5. facebook

3.2.6. twitter

3.3. Text

3.3.1. whatsapp

3.3.2. google

3.3.3. tumblr

3.3.4. facebook

3.3.5. twitter

3.4. Audio

3.4.1. Spotify

3.5. Others

3.5.1. direct talking with family and friends

3.5.2. library (books)

3.5.3. University