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Tessa Young por Mind Map: Tessa Young

1. Lucy Wu

1.1. Similarities between Tessa and Lucy: They both had to give up there personal space and learn more about ourselves.

2. Kaitlyn

2.1. Similarities between Tesas and Kaitlyn: They both have to move to a place they have never been to without knowing what is what.

3. Katniss Everdeen

3.1. Similarities between Tessa and Katniss: They both have to do something in there life that they would never do.

4. Theodore Boone

4.1. Similarities between Tessa and Theodore: They both have to be brave when standing up to someone that has more power than them.

5. Helena

5.1. Similarities between Tessa and Helena: They both love someone who doesn't show any affection to them. So, they get mixed signals.