Beating the Odds

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Beating the Odds por Mind Map: Beating the Odds

1. Don't give up

1.1. Neil Armstrong, never gave up on going to the moon

1.2. Steve Jobs, never gave up on company, even when fired.

1.3. Bill Gates, has great success, even with many failiures.

2. What are the odds

2.1. Cancer, it will kill you.

2.2. Disabilities, it will leave you with difficulties in your body.

2.3. Disease, it will kill you.

3. Will you face the odds

3.1. Malala, Because of the Taliban and she also got shot in the face.

3.2. Franklin D. Roosevelt, because he had polio, and was paralyzed from the waist down.

3.3. Martin Luther King, He faced racial discrimination.

4. Do you have everything to succeed

4.1. A Healthy Mind, you need to be able to problem solve to succeed.

4.2. A healthy body, to be able to move physical obstacles.

4.2.1. h h h

4.3. A healthy spirit, to keep being motivated, build trust, and have courage.

5. Do you have doubts

5.1. Will I beat the odds, There are really low odds. Trust yourself

5.2. How will I beat the odds, I don't know how to beat the odds. Figure it out.

5.3. What are the odds, I don't know what the odds are. Find out.

6. How do you tackle the odds

6.1. mark wattney used his resourcful brain to survive.

6.2. louie zampeini using his hope to survive

6.3. the pilot of apollo 13 used his quick wits to land apollo 13 safely

7. what are the consequences

7.1. death

7.2. being lost  forever

7.3. being seen as a loser

8. why did you beat the odds

8.1. mark wattney did it so he could survive

8.2. chuck noland had to so he would be saved

8.3. louie zamperini did so he could make it back to his family

9. how long will it take to beat the odds

9.1. mark wattney  took 598 sols ( About three years)

9.2. chuck noland took five years

9.3. louie zamperinii took two years

10. for whom did you beat the odds

10.1. mark wattney did it for himself

10.2. chuck noland did it for his fiance

10.3. louie zamperinin did it for his family