'Shake that hand':  Cultural differences can often have an impact on personal communication in te...

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'Shake that hand':  Cultural differences can often have an impact on personal communication in terms of form and message. por Mind Map: 'Shake that hand':  Cultural differences can often have an impact on personal communication in terms of form and message.

1. Through what forms can messages be communicated?

2. Design & Technology

3. Related concept: form

4. Key Concept: Communication

5. Global Context:  Personal and Cultural expression

6. Students research possible means of presenting information.

7. Students share ideas and find an interesting medium with which to present.

8. Students work individually or in groups to learn about their medium.

9. Students create their digital presentation, based on the information gained from English.

10. Content LA: To synthesise information gathered into a digital form: video or comic strip

11. Language Acquisition: English

12. Related concept: message

13. LA MYP Objectives: A (Comprehending Spoken & Visual Test) & C (Communicating in response to spoken and/or written and/or visual text

14. Content LA: Nonverbal means of expression and international business/diplomatic protocol

15. Disciplinary learning engagements and teaching strategies

16. Students use Language B to do research and to discuss messages conveyed by various nonverbal means of expression

17. Students brainstorm ideas for internationally appropriate gestures and messages they convey

18. Students compare and contrast various nonverbal means of communication around the world in terms of form and message

19. Students take a trip to an embassy to get acquainted with international diplomatic protocol and safe ways to convey a message

20. Students share their findings and give/receive peer feedback on their presentations

21. Students work individually to prepare the content for their informative videos