Financing Schools: Equity or Privilege

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Financing Schools: Equity or Privilege por Mind Map: Financing Schools: Equity or Privilege

1. Resources

2. Misguided sense of equalness among schools:

2.1. No correlation between funding and student achievement.

2.1.1. When monetary school resources could be calculated, evidence showed little effects.

3. Outside variables have a larger effect on student success

3.1. home life

3.2. health

3.3. hunger

3.4. emotional stress

3.5. lack of parent involvement

4. Loss of local interest.

4.1. With little say in local education, communities are likely to be less supportive in giving of time and other resources.

4.2. Unable to determine how funds are spent at a local level:

4.2.1. Reducing class sizes

4.2.2. Teachers' salary

4.2.3. Implementing choice programming

5. Comparison to other countries' educational systems:

5.1. U.S. is by far most expensive.

5.2. Stagnant test scores in mathematics, science, and language arts compared globally.

5.3. Federal regulations that limit local innovation.