A Wrinkle in Time

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A Wrinkle in Time por Mind Map: A Wrinkle in Time

1. Setting

1.1. United States of America

2. Author

2.1. Madeline L'Engle

3. themes

3.1. love

3.2. sacrifice

3.3. good vs evil

4. Projects about it

4.1. tesseract adventure

5. Test

6. Characters

6.1. Meg

6.2. Charles Wallace

6.2.1. Meg's

6.3. Calvin

6.3.1. meg's friend

6.4. The Man With Red Eyes

6.4.1. slave

6.5. Mrs. Murry

6.5.1. mom

6.6. It

6.6.1. evil guy

6.7. Mrs.Who

6.7.1. helps the kids find there father

6.8. Mrs. Which

6.8.1. helps the kids find there father

6.9. Mrs. Whatsit

6.9.1. helps the kids find there father

6.10. Mr. Murry

6.10.1. there father