Collocations in IT

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Collocations in IT por Mind Map: Collocations in IT

1. Verb + Expression With a Preposition

1.1. Insert a picture into a document

1.2. Save a document to a location on a drive

1.3. Add a field to an existing table

2. Verb + Noun

2.1. Update software

2.2. Delete files

2.3. Open an application

3. Noun + Verb

3.1. Applications running

3.2. Disk formatting

3.3. Word proccessing

4. Video exercise

5. Verb + Adverb

5.1. Updated regularly

6. Noun + Noun

6.1. Computer application

6.2. System information

6.3. File management

7. Adjective + Noun

7.1. Electronic mail

7.2. Typical components

7.3. External connections

8. Adverb + Adjective

8.1. Safely secured

8.2. Previously visited