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Assessment por Mind Map: Assessment

1. Formative

1.1. Process of gathering evidence of student work, providing feedback, adjusting instruction strategies to enhance achievement; while learners can change behaviors.

1.1.1. Continuing circular process.

1.1.2. Formative Assessment Cycle Gather evidence of learning, evaluate evidence, feedback, adjust instruction.

2. Interim/Benchmarked

2.1. Periodic  testing throughout the school year.  Low-level little or no student feedback.  More formal style using projects, written assignments, and tests.

2.1.1. Effective feedback, engage students More formal style using projects, written assignments and tests.

3. Summative

3.1. End of a large chunk of learning. Review what you want to do.  Representative sampling.

3.1.1. Standardized testing, final exams, major cumulative projects and research projects.

4. Diagnostic

4.1. These would be pre-assessments.  You want to know prior knowledge of the student or what they know before hand.  Helps to show the teacher what they need to cover or teach.

5. Performance

5.1. Individual or group projects,portfolios,   student logs and journals.