Mobile Apps for the Classroom

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Mobile Apps for the Classroom por Mind Map: Mobile Apps for the Classroom

1. Instructional helps

1.1. Evernote

1.2. Rover

1.3. Flashcards

1.4. ShowMe

1.5. Google Drive

2. Language Arts

2.1. Running Record Toolbox

2.2. Spelling City

2.3. Grammaropolis

3. Science/Social Studies

3.1. Google Earth

3.2. Stack the States

4. Math

4.1. MIndmateer

4.2. Singapore Math

4.3. Splash Math

5. Communication

5.1. Crisis Go

5.2. Remind: Safe Classroom

5.3. TeacherKit

5.4. ClassDojo

6. Helpful for students

6.1. inClass

6.2. Prezi

6.3. Pic Collage