Create Awesome Graphics for your next online course

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Create Awesome Graphics for your next online course por Mind Map: Create Awesome Graphics for your next online course

1. Start creating without spending a $1

2. My recommended Tools and Resources

3. Finding FREE high quality images for your course

4. Taking your own photos (and why you don't need an expensive camera)

5. Using layering techniques

6. Taking Advantage of FREE templates

7. Create animated Image files and Sales Widgets

8. Optimizing your Graphics for Mobile Devices

9. Creating a Theme for your courses

10. Adding filters to your images for more impact

11. Creating your First Favicon

12. Creating your First Course Logo

13. Adding a blog to your course

14. Changing links to high impact graphics

15. Registering a .com domain name and adding it to your blog/course

16. Adding FAQ and About Us Pages with Perfect Graphics

17. Getting Started

18. Choosing a LMS

19. Why you need awesome graphics!

20. Understanding dimensions for your graphics

21. Free templates for thinkific headers, sales widgets and course cards

21.1. thinkific icon, udemy icon, teachable icon, microphone, desk, design software, canva, picmonkey..

22. Why awesome graphics improve sales

23. How to create awesome graphics without being artistic!!

24. Adding Decorative Graphics and Images

25. Using duplicate techniques to save time on your next course

26. Why course layout helps design better graphics

27. Creating a BRAND not just graphics