Challenges and ideas

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Challenges and ideas por Mind Map: Challenges and ideas

1. Why were the roles split when they were? Other teams have functional managers, CCS has specific pure-play people managers. What need were they solving then? What has changed now?

2. Do we do things in CCS that make our jobs harder than they need to be?

2.1. Yes

2.1.1. What are they?

3. What problems are we trying to solve?

3.1. Too many people managers in one product managing a geographically spread team

3.1.1. proposal 1- One team, one people manager cross geos

4. how can our team meet the growing and changing business and customer requirements that we are presented with

5. What are our greatest current challenges?

5.1. blurring lines between accountability for TWMs and DPMs

5.1.1. There are many overlaps in FPM work and what CS/ DPM might think is their work. Even if FPMs are Management contacts for a product, we seldom get contacted by any parties ( or is this my assumption as I am not?) and most stakeholders contact the CS typically. Is this not the case for other teams? Am I the one off? Do you have more data for the FPM being contacted in teams that have CS/ DPM?

5.1.2. for singletons projects, or projects that do not have a CS/ DPM, I've observed (just for 3scale) that hiring is quicker and also that TWMs are more intimately involved with the Program Team.

5.2. Interference from DPMs in performance management

5.2.1. Is it unfounded? No. DPMs face the heat when the content quality is not upto par.

5.2.2. Is this happening in every team? How many sets of DPM-TWMs are raising this? Vikram keeps saying that some writer is not performing upto par and keeps sending emails to Adam about it. Adam's opinion on it is that this is interference, and impatience. He feels in OCP once someone is branded under-performing, they are not given another chance. This is bolstered by instances where there has been in his opinion harsher judgment passed when comparing a high performing (according to DPM/ CS) TW3 and a supposedly low performing TW3 (both drew up user stories) due to historical context

5.3. Toe stepping by TWMs onto DPM territory

5.3.1. Michelle Andrew situation where Andrew felt it was meddlesome of her in the revision histories discussion Michelle wanted to seem to avoid "waste", Andrew saw that as toe stepping

5.4. Is the current CS/DPM/ peepman segregation the best role distribution?

5.4.1. proposal 1- Have a DPM/ peepman rolled into one, but limited to two product teams or 8-10 people tops A senior Writer can be like a team lead as this Documentation Manager will also have hiring responsibilities and a lot more of people management responsibilities as compared to the outside of Red Hat DocMan Take a pass at what DPM related responsibilities can the peepman pick up Challenge 1- Not all peepmans can be DPMs. Proposal- A senior or a technical writer can assist the DPM-peepman combo with technical tasks. Proposal- peepmans can under training for program management, time management, prioritization. Challenge 2- Not all DPMs can be peepmans Proposal- DPMS can undergo people manager M series training