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Character por Mind Map: Character

1. Appearance

1.1. Emotions

1.1.1. Happy

1.1.2. Confident

1.1.3. Smiling

1.2. Different Costumes Every Level

1.2.1. Light Coloured

1.2.2. Vacuum Costume

1.2.3. Hook Costume

2. Reactions

2.1. When attacked

2.1.1. Different reactions after hit multiple times

2.2. Run out of lives

2.2.1. Falling down out of the screen

2.3. When attacking

2.3.1. Different facial expressions for different attacks

3. Attack

3.1. Vacuum

3.1.1. Sucks enemies

3.2. Jumping on enemies

4. Movement

4.1. Jumping

4.1.1. Falling Animation

4.1.2. Going Up Animation

4.2. Moving

4.2.1. Smooth Animation

4.2.2. Dust appears when coming to a stop

5. Other features

5.1. Mickey's friends introduced