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FOOD por Mind Map: FOOD

1. Dessert

1.1. Chocolates

1.1.1. Reese's

1.1.2. Cadbury

1.1.3. Hershey's

1.2. Ice Cream

1.2.1. Vanilla

1.2.2. Strawberry

1.2.3. Chocolate

1.3. Pastries

1.3.1. Churros

1.3.2. Cream Puff

2. Definition

2.1. Yummy

2.2. Delicious

2.3. Edible

2.4. Is LOVE

2.5. Fancy

3. Restaurants

3.1. Chinese

3.1.1. Emerald

3.1.2. Hap Chan

3.1.3. Golden Fortune

3.1.4. Legend

3.2. Filipino

3.2.1. Dekada

3.2.2. Tapa King

3.2.3. Crisostomo

3.3. International Buffet

3.3.1. Vikings

3.3.2. Buffet 101

3.3.3. Yakimix

3.4. Fast Food

3.4.1. KFC

3.4.2. McDonald's

3.4.3. Jollibee

4. Fruit

4.1. Apple

4.2. Orange

4.3. Grapes

4.4. Banana

4.5. Watermelon

4.6. Strawberry

5. Vegetable

5.1. Sweet Potatoes

5.2. Carrots

5.3. Lettuce

5.4. Bitter Melon

6. Meat

6.1. Viand

6.1.1. Chicken

6.1.2. Steak Rib-Eye Tenderloin T-Bone

6.2. Merienda

6.2.1. Burger