Differentiated Instruction

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Differentiated Instruction por Mind Map: Differentiated Instruction

1. Product

1.1. report

1.2. skit

1.3. audio recorded report

1.4. presentation

1.5. student choice

1.6. test/quiz

2. Process

2.1. chunking

2.2. teacher scribing

2.3. think pair share

2.4. group work/peer work

2.5. jot notes

2.6. manipulatives

3. Content

3.1. student interest

3.2. modeling

3.3. meaningful learning

3.4. real experiences

3.5. culturally inclusive content

3.6. real life experiences

4. Assessment

4.1. for learning

4.2. as learning

4.3. of learning

4.4. ongoing

4.5. equitable

5. Environment

5.1. learning centers

5.2. group work

5.3. partner work

5.4. quiet work space

5.5. visual schedule

5.6. noise blocking headphones

5.7. visual timer

6. Technology

6.1. graphic organizers

6.1.1. inspiration

6.1.2. kidspiration

6.1.3. bubbl.us

6.2. word prediction software

6.3. screen readers

6.3.1. the talking pen

6.4. electronic math worksheets

6.4.1. math talk

6.5. talking calculators