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Computer Architecture por Mind Map: Computer Architecture

1. Binary logic

1.1. Q in Q

2. Van Neuman Machine

2.1. CPU

2.2. Memory

2.3. Input

2.3.1. mouse

2.3.2. keyboard

2.3.3. micro

2.4. Output

2.4.1. speaker

2.4.2. printer

2.4.3. screen

2.5. SISD

3. Boolean Algebra

3.1. Associative Law

3.2. Distributive Law

3.3. De Morgan

3.4. Axiom

3.5. Theorem

3.6. Proofing

4. Expression Simplification

4.1. use Axiom and Theorem

5. Logic gates

5.1. AND

5.2. OR

5.3. NAND

5.4. NOR

5.5. XOR

5.6. NOT