Parts of the Mass

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Parts of the Mass por Mind Map: Parts of the Mass

1. Concluding Rites

1.1. During the Concluding Rite There is very little happening. The Priest says his last line, Which is normally “go and serve in the name of Jesus our Lord” but it can be anything and then we the people reply with Thanks be to God. Then Ended in a Psalm.

2. Introductory Rites

2.1. The Introductory Rites conclude with an opening prayer, called the Collect. The celebrant invites the gathered assembly to pray and, after a brief silence, proclaims the prayer of the day. The Collect gathers the prayers of all into one and disposes all to hear the Word of God in the context of the celebration.

3. The Liturgy of the Word

3.1. 1.The First Reading-The Hebrew Scriptures: the first reading is mostly chosen in the old testament but some seasons its sometimes read from the book of acts. This is usually harmonizing with the Gospel.

3.2. 2.The Responsorial Psalm: this Psalm reflects themes in the reading.

3.3. 3.The Second Reading-The Christian Scriptures: this includes one of the letters from the new testament also may include one from book of acts.

3.4. 4.The Gospel – Alleluia: the singing of alleluia.

3.5. 5.The Gospel Reading: main reading in the liturgy.

3.6. 6.The Homily: the priest gives a sermon.

3.7. 7.The Profession of Faith: the priest reads the apostles creed.

4. The Liturgy of the Eucharist

4.1. The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with the preparation of the gifts and the altar. As the ministers prepare the altar, representatives of the people bring forward the bread and wine that will be and become the Body and Blood of Christ as the priest bless and praise these gifts.