If you need to know your Textbook For professors

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If you need to know your Textbook For professors por Mind Map: If you need to know your Textbook For professors

1. 7 - Examine maps/pics/diagrams/tables

1.1. Which is used?

2. 4 - Examine index, glossary & material @ the back

2.1. Compare & contrast ToC to index

2.2. Cross references?

2.3. Appendix?Why not on body? How does it affect organization?

3. 5 - Examine study material: Guides, questions, other

3.1. Study guides type: question, exercise, or activities?

3.2. Critical thinking or locate information within reading?

3.3. Suggested reading material or other resources?

4. 6 - Examine chapter/sectional headings & margin guides

4.1. Do headings give overview of chapter?

4.2. Do they headings help for skimming for specific info?

4.3. Does the book use summaries? Are they helpful?

5. 1 - Examine title page

5.1. Authors?

5.1.1. Standing on field?

5.1.2. Training & background qualifications?

5.2. Publishers?

5.2.1. Date of publication? Relevance of age?

6. 2 - Examine preface/intro

6.1. Why is it written?

6.2. What does it say about book?

6.3. Introduction of unusual features?

7. 3 - Examine table of contents

7.1. What does it tell?

7.2. How is textbook organized?

7.2.1. Main divisions?

7.3. Compare ToC to another book

7.3.1. Same topics?