insurance-based investment  product

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insurance-based investment  product por Mind Map: insurance-based investment  product

1. What is the conditions to stop the contract ? In case of death the beneficiary continues with the contract ?The beneficiary modify the contract ?

1.1. Low exit cost

1.2. High exit cost

2. VIP custodians ?

3. What is the risk level ?

3.1. low risk

3.2. High risk

3.3. • Liquidity risk • Market risk (MRM) • Credit risk (CRM)

4. What is the time for maturity date ?

5. what is the investment strategy ?

6. what is the level of applied rates ?

7. What is the type of product ?

8. Who are the distributors ?

9. Market currency ?

10. What are the Cost ?

10.1. One-off costs

10.2. Ongoing costs

10.3. incidental costs

11. What are the performances secenario ?

11.1. Unfavourable scenario

11.2. Moderate scenario

11.3. Favourable scenario

12. What are the performances fees ?

12.1. 0 - 5 % 5-10 % 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30%

13. what are the guarantees rates ?

14. What is the duration ?

14.1. Short term contract

14.2. Medium term contract

14.3. Long term contract