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Assessment por Mind Map: Assessment

1. Assessing (how do we discover what students have learned?)\fggfgv

1.1. Summative Assessment

1.1.1. - (High stakes) have a high point value.

1.1.2. Examples:

1.1.3. - A midterm exam

1.1.4. - A final project

1.1.5. - A senior recital

1.1.6. - A paper

1.2. Formative Assessment

1.2.1. - (Monitor student learning) provide ongoing feedback that can be used to improve the teaching process.

1.2.2. Examples:

1.2.3. - Draw a concept map in class to represent their understanding of a topic

1.2.4. - Submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture

1.2.5. - Turn in a research proposal for early feedback

1.3. Effective Assessments

1.3.1. Applicable to both formative and summative assessment Students Teachers Parents

2. Reporting (how do we choose to communicate information about assessment?)

2.1. Conferences

2.2. The written report

3. Recording (how do we collect and analyse the data?)

3.1. Strategies

3.2. Tools