Multimedia Hardware and Software

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Multimedia Hardware and Software por Mind Map: Multimedia Hardware and Software

1. Hardware

1.1. Production Platforms - producing and delivering multimedia   projects - Macintosh operating system, Microsoft    Windows

1.2. Windows vs. Macintosh - Microsoft Windows can run on assemblages    of hardware from countless manufacturers - Apple Computer produces both the    computer and the operating system

1.3. Connections - Integrated Drive Electronics ( IDE ) - Universal Serial Bus ( USB )  - FireWire ( IEEE 1394 )

1.4. Memory and Storage Devices - RAM - ROM - Hard disks - Flash or Thumb drive - CD-ROM - DVD - Blu-ray discs

1.5. Input Devices - Microphones - Digital cameras

1.6. Output Devices - Stereo - Monitor - Projector - Printer

2. Software

2.1. - Text editing and word processing tools - OCR software - Painting tools - Drawing tools - 3-D modeling tools - Image editing tools - Sound editing tools

3. Authoring System

3.1. Type of authoring tools

3.1.1. Card-and page-based authoring tools

3.1.2. Icon-and object-based authoring tools

3.1.3. Time-based authoring tools

3.2. Choosing authoring tool

3.2.1. - editing and organizing features - Programming features - Interactivity features - Performance tuning and playback features - Delivery, cross-platforms, and Internet    playability features

4. Multimedia Development Process

4.1. Four basic stage

4.1.1. Planning and Costing - Define the objective and scope - Target users - Set the contents  - Prepare time estimate and budget - Prepare short prototype or proof-of-concept

4.1.2. Designing and Producing - Performed each of the planned tasks to   create a finished product

4.1.3. Testing - Alpha Testing - Beta Testing

4.1.4. Delivering - Package and deliver project to the end user

5. Intangible Assets

5.1. - Creativity - Organization - Communication

6. Multimedia Skills

6.1. Main Roles in team - Project manager - Multimedia Designer - Interface Designer - Writer - Audio/ Video Specialist - Multimedia Programmer