Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
1644841 por Mind Map: 1644841

1. Level one - tutorial

1.1. movement instuctions

1.2. action/attack instructions

1.3. objective instructions

1.4. level layout

1.5. enemy layout

1.6. collectables placement

1.7. obstacles placement

1.8. progressive difficulty

1.9. placement balance

1.10. introduction on new mechanics

1.11. Theme consistency

1.12. Background music

2. Level two

2.1. New mechanics indroduced

2.2. Objective instructions

2.3. collectables placement

2.4. obstacles placement

2.5. progressive difficulty

2.6. placement balance

2.7. Theme consistency

2.8. placement balance

2.9. progressive difficulty

2.10. obstacles placement

2.11. collectables placement

2.12. enemy layout

2.13. level layout

2.14. Background music

3. Level three

3.1. New mechanic Introduced

3.2. Objective Instuctions

3.3. collectables placement

3.4. obstacles placement

3.5. progressive difficulty

3.6. placement balance

3.7. Theme consistency

3.8. placement balance

3.9. progressive difficulty

3.10. obstacles placement

3.11. collectables placement

3.12. enemy layout

3.13. level layout

3.14. Background music

4. pause screen

4.1. Pause caption

4.2. Darken screen

4.3. instructions to unpause

4.4. Sound effect

5. Gameover Screen

5.1. game over caption

5.2. restart level button

5.2.1. animation when scrolled over

5.2.2. Sound effect

5.3. back to title button

5.3.1. animation when scrolled over

5.3.2. Sound effect

5.4. Background music

6. Intro Screen

6.1. Studio logo

6.1.1. Intro is skippable

6.1.2. 5 second animation

6.1.3. Sound effect

7. Title Screen

7.1. Exit screen transition

7.1.1. Sound effect

7.2. enter screen transision

7.2.1. Sound effect

7.3. game logo graphic

7.4. Start game button

7.4.1. animation when scrolled over

7.4.2. Sound effect

7.5. Option button

7.5.1. animation when scrolled over

7.5.2. Sound effect

7.6. Credits Button

7.6.1. animation when scrolled over

7.6.2. Sound effect

7.7. Exit game button

7.7.1. animation when scrolled over

7.7.2. Sound effect

7.8. copyright statement

7.9. background graphic

7.10. Background music

8. Gameplay Screen

8.1. HP bar

8.1.1. decreasing animation Sound effect

8.1.2. increasing animation Sound effect

8.2. Skill/MP bar

8.2.1. decreasing animation Sound effect

8.2.2. increasing animation Sound effect

8.3. Switch skill icon

8.3.1. Switching animation

8.3.2. Sound effect

8.4. score display

8.4.1. increasing animation

8.4.2. Sound effect

8.5. money/credits display

8.5.1. decreasing animation

8.5.2. increasing animation

8.5.3. Sound effect

8.6. collectables display

8.6.1. obtain collectable animation

8.6.2. Sound effect

8.7. In-game general

8.7.1. Level layout

8.7.2. Enemy placement

8.7.3. Character assets animation start stage idle state walk state jump state fall state damage state dying state status effect state attack state air attack state invincibility state Sound effects

9. Victory Screen

9.1. transition to screen animation

9.2. Victory caption

9.3. next level button

9.3.1. animation when scrolled over

9.3.2. Sound effects

9.4. Score display

9.5. collectables obtained screen

9.6. Background music