Chapter 4 : Images

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Chapter 4 : Images por Mind Map: Chapter 4 : Images

1. 3D drawing

1.1. feature of a 3D application

1.1.1. modeling placing all the element into 3D space

1.1.2. extrusion shape of a plane surface extend some distance

1.1.3. lathing profile of the shape is rotated around a defined axis

2. colors and palettes in multimedia

2.1. additive

2.1.1. create by combining colors light sources in three primary colors- red, green, blue (RGB)

2.2. subtractive

2.2.1. create by combining colored media such as paints or ink

2.2.2. absorb some part of the color and reflect back to the eye

2.3. color models

2.3.1. the color of pixels displayed on the screen

3. Bitmaps are called painting program

3.1. simple matrix of the tiny dots that form an images and are displayed on a screen or printed

3.2. can have varying bit and color depth

3.3. made up of individual dots or picture element known as pixel or pels

3.4. are photo realistic images

4. Vector editor are called drawing program

4.1. vector drawn graphic

4.1.1. use CAD

4.1.2. design for print media

4.1.3. 3D animation program _change of position ,rotation, and shading of light.

5. vector drawn images versus bitmaps

5.1. vector drawn

5.1.1. use less memory

5.1.2. small file size

5.1.3. download faster

5.1.4. easy scalable without loss of resolution o images quality

5.1.5. cannot be used for photorealistic images

5.1.6. require a plug in for web based display

5.2. bitmap

5.2.1. not easily scalable and resizable

5.2.2. can be convert to vector images using autotracing