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Text por Mind Map: Text

1. Bitmap vs Vector

1.1. Bitmaps font consist of a matrix of dots or pixel representing the image

1.2. Vector fonts drawing use instructions and mathematical formulae to describe each glyph

2. Rasterization

2.1. Font rasterization is the process of converting text from a vector description to a raster or bitmap description

3. Character sets

3.1. Extended character set

3.1.1. extra 1 bit in ASCII -up to 256

3.1.2. is used while programming the text of HTML pages

3.2. Unicode

3.2.1. Unicode is a 16-bit architecture for multilingual text and character encoding

3.2.2. cover 96,382 characters

3.3. American Standard Code for Information Interchange

4. Hypertextmedia

4.1. Hypermedia is not constrained to be text-based

5. Anchors

5.1. an anchor is defined as the reference from one document to another document, document, image, sound, or file on the web

6. Understanding Fonts and Typefaces

6.1. A typeface is a family of graphic characters. often with many type sizes and styles

6.2. A font is a collection of characters of a single size and style belonging to a particular typeface family

7. The study of fonts and typefaces includes the following:

7.1. Font styles

7.2. Font terminology

7.3. Cases

8. The text elements used in multimedia are:

8.1. Menus for navigation

8.2. interactives buttons

8.3. Fields for reading

8.4. HTML documents

8.5. Symbols and icons

9. Font Mapping

9.1. Specifying which font to be substitution is called font mapping

9.2. Some fonts installed in your machine may not be available in other user's machine

10. Fontgrapher

10.1. Fontographer is a specialized graphics editor

11. Hypertext

11.1. Hypetext is a text which contains links to other texts

12. Hypertext systems are used for:

12.1. Electronic publishing and reference works

12.2. Techincal documentaton

12.3. Education courseware

12.4. Interactive kiosks

12.5. Electronic catalogs