Chapter 3 : Text

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Chapter 3 : Text por Mind Map: Chapter 3 : Text

1. Vector fonts

1.1. use instruction and mathematical formulae to describe each glyph

1.2. can draw any size by scaling the vector drawing primitives mathematically

1.3. File size is much smaller than bitmaps

2. Computers and Text

2.1. i) characacter sets

2.2. ii) Extended Character Set (ISO Latin-1)

2.3. iii) Unicode

3. Fonts editing and design tools

3.1. i) Font mapping

3.2. ii) Fontographer

4. Hypertext vs Hypermedia

4.1. i) Hypertext

4.1.1. is a text whihc contains links to other texts

4.1.2. the term is invented by Ted Nelson

4.1.3. is the subset of hypermedia

4.2. ii) Hypermedia

4.2.1. is not constrained to be text-based

4.2.2. can included other media, example: graphic and image; and especially the continuos media such as video and sound

5. Hypermedia structures

5.1. i) Links

5.2. ii) Nodes

5.3. iii) Anchors

6. Hypertext system are used for :

6.1. Electronic publishing and reference works

6.2. Technical documentation

6.3. Education courseware

6.4. Interactive kiosk

6.5. Electronic catalogs

7. Importance of text in a multimedia presentation

7.1. is obviously the simplest of data types and requires the least amount of storage

7.2. in the form of :

7.2.1. i) symbols

7.2.2. ii) words

7.2.3. iii) sentences

7.2.4. iv) paragraph

7.3. is a vital elements of :

7.3.1. multimedia menus

7.3.2. navigation systems

7.3.3. content

8. Understanding Fonts and Typefaces

8.1. Typeface

8.1.1. example: Bookman Old Style

8.2. Fonts

8.2.1. example: Arial 18point bold

8.3. The study of fonts and typeface included the following :

8.3.1. i) Font style

8.3.2. ii) Font terminology

8.3.3. iii) Cases

9. Using text element in a multimedia presentation

9.1. i) Menus for navigation

9.2. ii) Interactive buttons

9.3. iii) Fields for reading

9.4. iv) HTML documents

9.5. v) Symbols and icons

10. Bitmaps font

10.1. consists of a matrix of dots or pixel representing the image

10.2. File size increases as more size are added

10.3. required a lot of memory

10.4. non-scalable