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Sleep por Mind Map: Sleep

1. Time

1.1. Intervals

1.1.1. 20mins

1.1.2. 30mins

1.1.3. 60mins

1.1.4. 90mins

1.2. How amount affects you

2. Insomnia

2.1. Effects of not sleeping

2.1.1. Depression

2.1.2. Stunted Growth

3. Nocturnal

3.1. Sleeping during the day

4. Dreaming

4.1. Lucid Dreaming

4.1.1. Awareness of sleeping

4.1.2. Being able to control your dreams

4.2. Sleep paraylisis

4.3. Science behind it

5. Energy

5.1. Energy per time amount slept

6. Cycles

6.1. How much energy you get depending on the cycle?