Endangered Species

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Endangered Species por Mind Map: Endangered Species

1. What animals are endangered?

1.1. Just some are

1.1.1. Giant panda

1.1.2. Indochinese tiger

1.1.3. Sea lions

1.1.4. Snow leopards

1.1.5. Whale

1.1.6. Great white shark

1.1.7. Black spider monkey

1.1.8. Polar bears

2. How do you help?

2.1. Protect wild life habitats

2.2. Why Learn about endangered species in your area?

2.3. How do you make yourself  wildlife friendly

2.3.1. Secure garbage in shelters

2.3.2. Feed pets indoors

2.3.3. Place decals on windows to prevent bird collosion

2.3.4. Disinfect bird baths Prevents diseases

2.3.5. Don't use herb or pesticide Hazardous to animals

2.3.6. Slow down while driving through animal populated areas

2.3.7. Don't harass wildlife