Legalizing The use of Marijuana recreational and medical world wide

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Legalizing The use of Marijuana recreational and medical world wide por Mind Map: Legalizing The use of Marijuana recreational and medical world wide

1. Recreational use

1.1. it would lower so much of the stress world wide

1.1.1. the crime rate would go down less drug dealers would be on the streets

2. Age restriction

2.1. with great power comes great responciblity

2.1.1. age limit would be 18 just like cigarettes anyone younger can be charged with possession

3. how much you can have on you at one time

3.1. special permits for you to be able to grow and sell

3.1.1. only allowed 5 oz allowed to be bought

4. it legal in other places that benefits those places

4.1. personal freedom to smoke and not do illegal things

4.1.1. the prohibition of cannabis takes a financial and social toll on society keeping it illegal loses the government a lot of cash legalizing cannabis creates jobs

5. Counter Argument

5.1. its illegal

5.1.1. what about driving what about the kids

6. Safer than most drugs

6.1. grown naturally

6.1.1. no harsh chemicals nothing harmful about marijuana

7. Medical use

7.1. helps seizures

7.1.1. helps with stress helps with pain