Do extracurricular activities help students with school?

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Do extracurricular activities help students with school? por Mind Map: Do extracurricular activities help students with school?

1. Time management

1.1. When you are on a sports team you learn time management. You have to be on time to practices and games.

1.1.1. Having good time management is necessary for school. You need to be on time for classes and turn your homework in at the right time.

2. Behavior improves

2.1. Good behavior in school is required if you are a part of a team/club.

2.2. If students who are involved do not have a good behavior in school, they will be kept from participating in a game/competition or even kicked off the team.

2.2.1. Therefore, participating in extracurricular activities keeps teens from acting out.

3. Colleges

3.1. Could help them get scholarships

3.1.1. many can't afford school, so sports teams could help pay.

4. GPA improves

4.1. Students grades will begin to improve, because it is required to have good grades to stay on a team or in a club.

5. Become organized

5.1. Organization is a big part of school

5.1.1. When you are a part of an extracurricular activity, you have to be organized. You need to have a schedule for games or practices and have the right things with you.